Welcome to the 40 Strategy Trusted Partner Network

In my nearly 30 years, working nationally and internationally, I have developed a strong group of trusted partners.

One of my challenges, they need an expert to solve a specific problem, and we don’t have the bandwidth to serve them all.

  • We use hundreds of strategies to grow and turn-around a business. However, we focus on our core 40 Strategies to grow the value of a company.

  • Recently, we have found a software tool, that can quantify the 3 most important Value Drivers to increase the valuation of a company rapidly. This enables us to identify and recommend solutions faster than ever before.

  • Our partners are all validated through client references, so we can refer companies to our clients they know they can trust.

We focus on 40 Strategies to help organizations increase the value of their business, without increasing revenue.

Using 4 key focus areas, we have identified our Trusted Partners that specialize in each of the 40 Strategies.

  • High Percentage of Recurring Revenue
  • Strong Margins
  • Financial Reporting Process
  • Annual Operating Plan (Budget)
  • Creating Financial Forecasts
  • Comparing Actual to Budget
  • Financial: Accurate and Credible Financial Reports
  • Strengths of M&A Market
  • Strategic Culture
  • 3rd party Individual Talent Assessments
  • Effective Senior Leadership
  • 3rd party Team Assessment
  • Productive Workforce (Rev/Emp)
  • Loyal Workforce (turnover)
  • Employee Engagement
  • People: Hiring
  • People: Onboarding
  • People: Ongoing Training
  • Strategic Vision
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Execution
  • Strategic Business Story
  • Strategic Value Stream Map
  • Scalable Sales Process
  • Strong Sales Backlog
  • Scalable Marketing Process
  • Strong Lead Generation
  • Legal: IP, Contracts, & Litigation
  • Strong Corporate Governance
  • Large Market Size
  • Large Market Share
  • High Customer Satisfaction
  • Unique Products / Services
  • High Growth Compared to Market
  • Broad Customer Base
  • Defensible Market
  • Strong Brand
  • Strong SOPs
  • Innovation Creates a Competitive Advantage
  • Applying AI to Your Business

$4M Strategy™ Risk Assessment

Carl J. Cox

Carl J. Cox is the founder and CEO of 40 Strategy and host of the Measure Success Podcast and the $4M Strategies™ mini-podcast. He brings 3 decades of executive experience, including helping lead 7 companies to 2x growth or more.