Jessica Yarbrough

Jessica Yarbrough is a reputable business growth consultant and sales marketing strategist. Her goal is to help entrepreneurs sell high-value products and services. She is an expert not only at showing, but teaching entrepreneurs how to build an effective platform that rapidly raises their value, earns credibility, and attracts high-paying clients.

She earned a bachelor’s in international business from San Diego State University, lived in the jungles of Costa Rica, and once traveled the world as a yoga instructor. Now, she travels the globe teaching and inspiring entrepreneurs on how to grow their influence.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Jessica Yarbrough walks through her Expert Accelerator Method for delivering amazing products and service
  • How restructuring and remarketing your brand leads to higher results
  • Why the recruitment and outsourcing processes are critical pieces of your business
  • Jessica talks about how she empowers and gives confidence to her clients so they can add value to their brands
  • Strategies for creating a transformation in the high-end market
  • Why being true to yourself, staying healthy, and having strong boundaries leads to a better business
  • Carl J. Cox and Jessica discuss book recommendations

In this episode…

How can you turn your business into a profitable program? Is there a way to go from starting solopreneur to successful mogul without throwing away your money?

Jessica Yarbrough helps answer the tricky question: what do you think you are worth? Many people revert to a number that makes them feel comfortable, but usually isn’t accurate; they fall on the sword of self-sabotage. Jessica sees the value in altering your mindset. Through her experience, she can help articulate and improve the experience and deliverability of your program, and ultimately create more value and worth.

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Jessica Yarbrough, a business growth consultant and sales marketing strategist, about elevating and scaling your business. Jessica explains how to cut through the noise and produce high-end results, building value into the infrastructure of your program, and the importance of a healthy mind and body. Open the ceiling of possibility with this episode!

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

Carl J. Cox here, and I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast where I talk with top leaders about effective strategies that inspire success. This episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy, and 40 Strategy. We provide strategic planning consulting, to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams, Jessica, basically, we help companies create strategic plans and measure the right KPIs for success. What’s crazy that only about 10% of organizations actually accomplish two thirds of their strategic objectives. And I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty crazy that it’s that few success. Would you agree? I would agree. So at 40 Strategy, your success is our passion. That’s why organizations call on us to help not only do we come up with strategy, but we’ve come up with proven practices to actually make sure it gets done. Harvard research shows that when you actually focus on the right key performance indicators, you can triple your success. So contact us I catch, like catching a ball, or go to our website To learn more, I always like to have a shout out as you know, before we introduce officially our guests, and that shout out is going to be a Darren Hardy Darren Hardy is the author of the compound effect, which is right behind me here. And he produces the Darren Daily Show. And part of being the exception, actually, it’s been a great daily, I listen to it nearly every day. And it’s been a great inspiration for me. So I just wanted to give a shout out to you and the team for getting that out the door. And that leads us to our guests, Jessica Yarbrough. Jessica has quickly developed a reputation for being one of the best business strategists and marketing and sales consultants for entrepreneurs. The goal of them is to help sell high value products and services. And our background is an international business. And she’s built multiple companies. Jessica’s a genius at showing entrepreneurs, not only how to build an expert platform, rapidly raise their value, build credibility and attract high paying clients. She travels the world teaching and inspiring entrepreneurs and helping them grow their influence, and makes the income the impact they deserve. So Jessica, thank you so much for being on the show today.

Jessica Yarbrough 2:21

Thank you for having me, Carl. Great to be here.

Carl J. Cox 2:23

So Jessica, could you just start out with give us give the audience a little bit more about what your business does?

Jessica Yarbrough  2:29

Yeah, absolutely. So entrepreneurs come to me when they’re ready to both sell, and scale ultra high end programs. And when we think about ultra high end really at the lowest point that’s 25,000. But really, people come to me when they want to sell 5075, you know, multiple six figure programs, whether that is for an individual or whether it’s for a small business all the way up to a Fortune 500 company. So it’s high end coaching and consulting how to effectively do that, and how to scale that.

Carl J. Cox 3:00

So you have this, what drove me to I’ve been watching on LinkedIn for quite a long period of time, I’ve been very impressed that you can’t you have and I really was happy that you agreed to be on the podcast and share more about what you do. You have this five step system that really impressed me. And that’s how we actually ultimately got connected to do this. Can you walk through those five steps?

Jessica Yarbrough 3:21

Absolutely. So we’ve identified five key systems to implement in your business to scale to seven figures. And this is called the expert accelerator method. And the first one is known as your offer. And this is your impact system. This is who you serve, what you sell, how you sell it really codifying your system into a step by step solution, and the why behind what you do. And all this is packaged into an ultra high end, high five, high six figure offer. Once we have that doubt, and that’s really the foundation and we build upon that system. Number two is marketing. And this is your influence system. And there’s three stages to this one is creating expert positioning online, so that you are seen as a true expert and you can rise above the noise, especially on a platform such as LinkedIn. Number two is having the right audience, you don’t need a million followers. But you do need an audience of people who are the right people who are going to listen and take action ultimately buy from you. And the third is we need to create a high amount of intimacy and relevancy with these people in a world of distraction where you’re competing against funny cat videos. The relevancy is the name of the game. And so being able to again cut through the noise and really enter the heart and mind of your ideal clients creating that transference of confidence and energy and rapport in an online medium is essential to success. The third stage is sales and this is your money system. This is having a true system where your pre qualifying people The looky loos the people, the people, they’re not making it through to a phone call, you’re not wasting anyone’s time, you have it really framed. So you have a seamless process where you’re nurturing education, educating and really indoctrinating someone before a call, you’re having that sales conversation and you’re understanding what happens after a sales conversation to ensure that they become a paying client, once we have those, and the goal is to get that to that within 90 days. And this is really important, we want to validate that your offer and your marketing are working, and we can validate it by knowing you are selling it great. Then we move into stage four, which is systems and team. And this is where a lot of entrepreneurs make the mistake, they go right into building out systems before they’ve even sold anything. So they end up with a lot of funnels, a lot of courses that just you know, never go anywhere, they don’t do anything with it. So we want to first sell, then we build your systems. And this one is marketing systems, putting the right butts in right seats as far as team members with a goal of ultimately moving you from solopreneur to CEO, so you can drive vision and deliver results and be on podcast be a PR spokesperson. And this is the least sexy part of what I teach it is the most complex, it is the hardest because of the people equation, but is the one that creates the most freedom. And then the final system is delivery. And this is our skill system. So a lot of other coaching and consulting companies. And this will lead into a discussion later on. I’m sure they’re all about more marketing, throw money at Facebook ads, just more and more marketing. But I believe in it was proven true, both for me and my clients is that if you focus on delivering an incredible experience, and actually getting your clients massive results, then marketing Yes Is there but you don’t have to put so much time and effort and energy, because your reputation and your brand recognition is going to grow the old adage, the more people you help, the more will want your help. So really focusing on what does it look like to deliver an amazing product or service and creating those systems, those KPIs, to ensure your clients are happy, and they are becoming your biggest advocate or driving new business?[continue to next page]

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