Strategy 4 Saturday (<4 minute read)
- What is your destiny?
- Where are you going?
- Goal or Destination?
- Lost at CEO | Amazon Reviews
- Measure Success Podcast | Vivek Nigam
- Coming up this week | Founder and CEO | Justin Nassiri
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Picture – In Washington, DC at the America’s Presidents Gallery at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
What is your destiny?
Last weekend, we walked through the America’s Presidents Gallery in Washington, DC. It was fascinating to see how, arguably the most important person in the world, political history was summed up in 2 to 3 paragraphs next to their portrait.
What is history going to write about you as a leader?
Where are you going?
Playoffs!? PLAYOFFS!!??
In 2001, former NFL head coach Jim Mora, of the Indianapolis Colts, complains how his team gave away a football game. Then he was asked whether they will make the playoffs. He responds back in a famously high octave, “Playoffs, Playoffs? You kidding me? I am just hoping we can win a game!”
See Jim Mora’s 1:13 clip here.
Do you think this provided his team confidence? Probably not. They finished with 6 wins and 10 losses and missed the playoffs.
However, what do you think when you hear these coaches?
Phil Jackson, 13 NBA Championships
John Wooden, 10 NCAA Men Basketball Championships
Bill Belichick, 8 Super Bowl Championships (including as assistant coach)
Pat Summitt, 8 NCAA Women Basketball Championships
You look back and feel that it was their destiny. In fact, you expected them to win.
Today, the high school playoffs start for women soccer here in Oregon. As parents of athletes, one of the most exciting times is to watch your children participate in the playoffs.
Our youngest daughter, Abby, plays soccer for Jesuit High School. Coach Steve Fennah has won 10 state championships.
When you have past success, you set a different expectation for your future outcomes. You expect to arrive at that destination. However, every year is different. Nothing is given, everything must be earned.

Goal or Destination?
When you are setting goals in your next strategic planning session, are you thinking like Jim Mora’s complaints or John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success?
Odds are, you are probably thinking more like Jim Mora.
- Only 2% of leaders are confident that they will achieve 80–100% of their strategic objectives. (Bridges Business Consulting)
- Only 9% of Americans complete their New Year’s resolutions.
- According to HBR, only 5% of employees are aware and understand their company’s strategy
These facts do not breed success.
Yet, when you board an airplane, you expect to arrive at your destination. When you board a ship, you expect to arrive at the next port. A weather event or maintenance may delay your arrival, but you ultimately expect to arrive at your destination.
In a recent article, we discussed the purpose of setting different types of goals with different timelines.
10-Year Vision – 51% Chance of Success
3-Year Goal – 70% Change of Success
We purposely set these longer term goals as stretch goals to change our habits.
However, short-term (1 year or less) goals should be set with a 90% chance of success. You are NOT setting a goal. You ARE arriving at a new DESTINATION.
Words matter. Confidence matters. This is why we prefer the term destination over goals in our CAPTAIN strategy principles.
You should be starting your strategic plan knowing that you will arrive at your next destination.
Flip the Script. Less is More. Clarity is King. Confidence breeds Success.
Lead like the best leaders; not like the average leader.
That one word could be the difference about what history writes about you. |
Thank you to Zach for this beautiful picture from Southern California. |
Lost at CEO
This past week, we had multiple conversations with leaders who valued Lost at CEO for their strategic planning process. One conversation with a successful former Accenture executive this past week said that this book should be in business schools. We agree with you, Walt.
To help spread the word, please continue to send your pictures and testimonials with Lost at CEO. If we could ask for one Christmas gift…please do an honest written Amazon review. It will take you just 5 minutes or less. Our next book destination is to reach 50 Amazon reviews. Click here.
And speaking of Christmas, Lost at CEO is a great gift for the holidays.
Vivek Nigam I How to build a successful remote or hybrid work policy, with BeRemote
My latest guest, Vivek Nigam, is the Founder and CEO of BeRemote LLC, which is focused on employee wellness, team engagement, trust and cohesion, and building a positive company culture in the hybrid workplace. Vivek has had a 30+ year career in technology and strategy roles dating back to his early days as a software engineer, leading to him founding a startup in the Washington DC area where he was the CTO and ultimately sold that company to AOL in 2000 for a positive exit.
Tune into to hear more on some of the mistakes companies make when designing their remote or hybrid work policies, how to improve team engagement at your organization, strategies for increasing team cohesiveness (even in a remote environment), and more.
Justin Nassiri | How executives can maximize their LinkedIn presence (authentically) and cut through the noise, with Justin Nassiri
If you’re an executive, your plate is full enough — so establishing a presence on LinkedIn is probably pretty far down the list.
And no wonder. This platform:
- Constantly changes its algorithm
- Can be way too noisy
- Has probably spammed you at least a handful of times
- Is hard to figure out if you don’t have a clear-cut strategy.
Most executives simply don’t have time to create content or establish a presence here. They’re too busy… running their business.
My latest Measure Success Podcast guest, Justin Nassiri, is someone who helps CEOs clear those hurdles — and he also has some expert advice for what actually works on this constantly changing social platform. Tune into the full episode on Tuesday, October 31st.
Justin is the CEO of Executive Presence, which provides a fully managed LinkedIn presence for CEOs and top executives. He is a U.S. Navy submarine veteran, Stanford MBA, and the founder of two previous companies.
As our podcast and blog are free for you, here is the link to share with someone else to sign up. |