Strategy 4 Saturday Blog (<4 minute read)
(Picture: Carol Heiney)
For the second consecutive week, this is NOT the blog article that I wanted to write.
Amidst the current chaos of tariffs and trade wars, a potential looming recession, declining consumer confidence, lack of clarity, and tax season. Time does not stop and life continues to move forward.
However, death has a way of putting things in perspective. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
A Celebration of Life
This weekend, my wife’s family will be gathering together to celebrate the life of Carol Heiney. She had been married to my father-in-law, Skip, after he lost his first wife over 30 years ago. Carol had also lost her husband near the same time period.
She was a remarkable woman, with strong faith, and she adopted multiple children during her first marriage. Carol, ever the teacher, was famous for listening to someone describe a scenario of some sort, perhaps asking for advice, and then curl up her 3 fingers, thumb in the air, index finger pointing straight out … .and say “Here’s the deal…” and go on to share her perspective. When Carol Heiney said “Here’s the deal!” you paid attention, because she knew what she was talking about.
Carol’s life was full: teaching history and Bible in a Christian School, raising money through incredible Rummage Sales, riding her horse all over the Northwest in a precision drill team, hosting so many Ladies Tea Party’s that she even had to go to Victoria, B.C. and attend a British High Tea to learn more about it, keeping track of all the kids, grandkids, and now great-grandkids, which included her famous Grandma Camps. You can read more about Carol’s full life here.
(Picture: Skip & Carol Heiney)
A Little About Skip
Skip has been a true father figure for me over the years. He is a man of integrity, honesty, and a successful businessman. However, I’ve been more impressed by the fact that he has been a Pastor to Church for decades, without taking a salary.
Over the past several years, Carol had succumbed to dementia/Alzheimer’s, which ultimately led her to full time assistance at a medical facility. Skip faithfully visited Carol throughout the week, even though Carol could not give anything back, her memory long gone.
Courage to Say a Sermon
On the final Sunday of Carol’s existence here on earth, Skip had the courage to say a sermon. I do not shed tears often, but I could not stop the tears from falling down my face. I don’t know if it was because I saw this remarkable courage and strength from my father-in-law or if it was the content that he spoke of that day. Perhaps, it was a combination of both. But whatever it was, moved me deeply.
Life is Short
So although this blog is intended for business owners and investors to grow their companies and overcome challenges, we all have to face this other certainty that is not taxes. I know my readers come from many different walks in faith and belief systems and I respect wherever you are.
Therefore, I encourage you, regardless of the challenges that you may be facing with the economy, our businesses, our families, or with your own health, I hope this message gives you hope. We can make the decisions to fight the good fight, regardless of the circumstances that we face.
This is a sincere thank you, to the readers and listeners of this blog, and people who have helped me throughout my career. Thank you, I can’t say it enough. These days, I encourage you to tell a friend, business companion, or a loved one, a kind word of encouragement. Everyone can use that; especially in times like this. Be there for someone, even when they can’t give back.
The Message
I asked Skip if we could get permission to release his Sunday message. If you are interested, here is the link.
Don’t let death get in the way of losing hope. May this give you hope and if anything else, encouragement and gratitude.
This blog is dedicated to Carol, for fighting the good fight, and to Skip, for enduring the fight and for the integrity he showed to us all.
Read more Strategy 4 Saturday blogs here.