Christine Miller

Christine Miller has over 20 years of experience in media and marketing and is the Owner of Miller Consulting, LLC, a firm that helps companies grow their client base and increase revenue through sales coaching, training, and consulting. Christine has expertise in business development, sales coaching, client management, and more. She is also a regular speaker, trainer, and podcast guest.

Before this, Christine was the Director of Sales for Comcast, the Director of New Business Development for MySightSee, and the Sales Director for Sison Broadcasting Inc. She has worked in virtually every aspect of sales, marketing, advertising, management, and team building. vc

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Christine Miller explains how she delivers sales strategies to companies across multiple industries
  • Why effective planning is the key to closing a sale
  • The importance of asking the right questions during the sales process
  • The five invisible roadblocks that may be holding you back from making a sale
  • Christine’s tips for optimizing your sales team
  • What are the most important metrics to measure if you want to increase sales?
  • Christine discusses her daily habits and her book recommendations

In this episode…

No matter what industry you’re in, if your sales are not performing as well as you hoped, it may be due to your sales strategy. There are many factors that might be holding you back from making a sale — fear of seeming too salesy, an ineffective closing process, or a general lack of research, to name a few. So, how can you improve your sales strategy to start scaling your business today?

Christine Miller is a sales consultant who can help you overcome the sales roadblocks in your way. Using her proven methods, you can identify a solution to your sales problems, discover effective advancing techniques, and build a stronger sales team. With over 20 years of experience, Christine is here to empower you to take your business and sales strategy to the next level.

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Christine Miller, the Owner of Miller Consulting, LLC and a master of sales, about the sales strategies and tactics you can utilize to grow and scale your brand. Christine discusses the five invisible roadblocks that may be holding you back from making a sale, the most important success metric for any organization, and how to bring more value to each sale. Stay tuned!

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at

Episode Transcript

Intro  0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox  0:18

Carl J. Cox here, I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast, where we talk with top leaders about inspiring success. This episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy at 40 Strategy, we provide strategic planning consulting, to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams. Christine, basically what we do is we help companies create strategic plans and measure the right KPIs for success. Only 10% of organizations actually successfully complete two thirds of their strategic objectives. And, Christine, I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty crazy that that’s only true. Do you agree? Do I doubt so so at 40 Strategy, your success is our passion. That’s why organizations call on us to help. Not only do we come up with strategy, but with proven practice to actually make sure it gets done. Harvard research shows if you focus actually on the right KPIs, you can triple the likelihood of your success. So please contact us at, that’s like catching a ball at 40 strategies .com or just go to our website, And also, just gonna do a slight little plug here on the Measure Success Podcast and have a fun little marathon. I’m trying our first marathon and if you would have been listening to the earlier episodes, we I challenged John Foster to run a marathon with me. So we’re scheduled at the end of October to run our first marathon you’re gonna see a bunch of social media because I’ve been doing little videos at the end of many of my runs. And they’re pretty humorous of my struggle of trying to run for the first time a marathon. So I hope you enjoy all of that. So let’s let’s go ahead and move forward. I’m going to talk about a little shout out I love to give a shout out to somebody and that person is Adi Klevit Adi actually recommended Christine and so really appreciate first, Adi is the CEO for Business Success Consulting Group, where they create custom processes and tailor made systems that business can thrive you can find out about them at And now we can move forward to our honored guest. Christine Miller is a goal oriented sales executive with extensive experience in sales and marketing. She’s highly motivated, customer focus trainer and coach who excels at providing sales strategy that deliver high performing results. Christine works with a variety of businesses in the legal nonprofit startup and finance, SAS and real estate industries. She specializes in sales coaching, sales, training, fractional sales manager services, and building high performance sales teams. Prior to consulting, Christine cut her teeth and had a successful career as a director of sales at a fortune 50 company. Christine is a speaker as well. She has several different presentations, including the future of sales, which is artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence. The Invisible roadblocks, which we’ll talk a lot about today, preventing sales success, and utilizing LinkedIn for sales success. She’s also the author of Sales Geisha, which you could find on Amazon. And as a regular guest on podcast. Christine has a BS degree in communications from Rutgers and master’s, an MBA from St. Michael’s college. She resides in Essex, Essex junction, Vermont with her husband and two children. And Christine, we’re going to call you Chris, because we’ve had multiple conversations now, Chris, welcome to the Measure Success Show. Whoo. Thank

Christine Miller  3:35

you, Carl, that was a lot. Fighting things, right? You’re Yeah, you your marathon, which is exciting. Adi who introduced us, she is amazing. And it’s what the world is all about right now is helping each other bringing people together. So it’s all good stuff. And I’m thrilled to be here. I’d love to talk about sales. So I’m really psyched to be on your show today. So thank you.

Carl J. Cox  4:01

Thank you. That is an awesome, that’s one of the best responses after I’ve said something so you get an A for that. And no wonder why you’re in sales. That I should I should bring on more sales people on a regular basis. We’re gonna kill it. Absolutely. So first, share a little bit more obviously, we gave that preamble but give us a little bit more detail about Miller Sales Consulting and what you’re consistently doing on a regular basis to help your clients out.

Christine Miller  4:30

Yeah. So you know, as you mentioned, my primary goal in a nutshell is to help deliver sales strategy and tactics that deliver high performance results for their sales teams. And I do that through sales, coaching, training and fractional sales management, and then I do speaking as well. And so what does that look like? Generally, people seek me out when they need help. They know they can do better. So it could be an organization that’s not doing well. It could be an organization that is doing okay, but they, they all know that we can be doing better, but they’re not really sure what they need to do to take it to that next level. And then that’s usually where I come in.

Carl J. Cox  5:12

So that was one of the questions I was actually going to ask you is, so you, I’m assuming you run into some situations where sales is just not happening. And then I’m assuming you run a certain, but you also work in other situations where they are growing, but they know they can outperform you actually also work with companies that are like growing like crazy, and they don’t know how to handle the growth of the sales, like from the sales management side.

Christine Miller  5:37

Yes, so they are all different scenarios. But yeah, they’re, they’re all similar in the sense that they need help. And the funny thing is, and I’ve worked with, you know, many different industries, and you named a few at the beginning, and there’s others that I worked with, and everyone sort of feels like they’re unique, right? Like, oh, I don’t know, if you really don’t know this industry, we’re different. And they are in what they do. But usually, when it comes to sales, there’s something missing in the process. And, and that is pretty consistent across industries. If someone doesn’t know how to advance a sale, if they don’t know how to close the sale, if they don’t know how to do cold call outreach, it doesn’t really matter the industry or in their tools and tactics, and processes that help you get better at that. And so it doesn’t matter, or it’s all level playing field, if you’re a beginner, if you’re growing it or if you’re good, because there’s always something that couldn’t be better, that will help pop it to the next level. And, and sometimes it’s small things that really can make a huge difference. Sometimes it’s many things that need to be done, and we start, you know, at the three most important and then work our way through a list.

Carl J. Cox  6:50

I appreciated how you brought up of you don’t necessarily need to know the specific industry that you’re going into. And you could help we do the same thing at 40 Strategy. You know, at the same time, a proper structure for strategy can be used anywhere. We don’t claim to be experts in what they know, specifically. So they’re looking for specific industry knowledge, we can’t help that out. If that makes sense. Like I’m assuming for you, you can only help out so much right when it comes to the details of about their product as an example, you know, correct? Yeah, but but the base level things are the same. And what I found is I just have to change my language a little bit, you know, for it to adapt to the people we’re talking with so they can understand it. And so we could talk the same language for lack of better term. But I love it how you’re like, hey, look, it doesn’t matter who we’re going into. The core is this is a sales execution and strategy problem. And we need to help them going in the right direction. And you’ve done that so many times that you could help turn the dial to help make sure the average assassin Of course, I’m assuming they love you after the result because their sales increase and hopefully profits increase as a result, right?

Christine Miller  7:59

Yeah, yes, yeah, that’s my goal, right? That’s my, that’s my ultimate success. But also that they feel better, they feel more comfortable. And they have a lot more confidence and confidence in sales to me is the you know, the baseline foundation of success because it helps you in so many things, it helps you pick up the phone, or to write that first email, it helps you overcome that objection, it helps you to hold the line on your price. It allows you to have a conversation without worrying about feeling salesy. So, you know, as you brought up earlier, there’s there’s many roadblocks to success, some of them are more obvious that you can identify and gaps that you can see in data. And then some of them are a little more invisible, that hold people back that you won’t necessarily find in your CRM data. But you have to dig a little and and ask some questions. And and you’ll see that there’s pieces missing.

[continue to next page]

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