Terry SidfordTerry Sidford is a renowned motivational TEDx speaker, author, television host, and life coach. Since 1998, she has guided people and organizations toward achieving their dreams. Terry is the Author of One Hundred Hearts: Inspiring Stories from the Woman who Lived Them, a compilation of stories about female courage in the face of adversity.

Terry is also a Certified Passion Test Facilitator, accredited Pilates instructor, and a regular contributor to the national wellness magazine, Great Health Guide. Her greatest joy is helping others unleash their potential and live to the fullest.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Terry Sidford talks about having the courage to say “no”
  • Why your need to survive should be acknowledged today
  • How to feel comfortable and have confidence in yourself
  • Terry talks about how her measure of success: doing your best
  • The importance of building a routine and grounding yourself — and how it correlates to success
  • Terry explains meditation, physical exercise, and the benefits of a healthy mind
  • Carl J. Cox and Terry discuss a book recommendation that still resonates with Terry

In this episode…

Most people are uneasy saying “no” — in their personal and professional lives, alike. According to Terry Sidford, the secret ingredient for living up to your best self is courage.

Terry believes it is important to establish boundaries, both in and out of the office. When you stop stepping on your values to say “yes” to anyone who asks, you will have more freedom to do what you want and passion for what you need. Are you ready to use your courage and take your life to the next level?

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox is joined by Terry Sidford, best-selling author, TEDx speaker, television host, and life coach. Terry opens up about her personal life and her driving force behind helping others reach their dreams. Together, they also discuss how a story of shame became one of courage, the importance of planting seeds of courage in your work and personal life, and why the metrics of measuring success are not qualitative. Cultivate your courage in this episode.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at catch@40strategy.com.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

Carl J. Cox here and I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast where I talk a talk with top leaders about effective strategies that inspire success. This episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy at 40 Strategy. We provide strategic planning consulting, to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams, Terry, basically what this means is we help organizations create strategic plans that actually measure their success. Only 10% of organizations actually accomplish two thirds of their strategic objectives. And I don’t know about you, Terry, but I think that’s not so good. Would you agree? I completely agree. So at 40 Strategy, your success is our passion. So that’s why organizations call on us to help. Not only do we come up with strategy, but we come up with the proven practices that actually work. Harvard Business Review review shows, if you actually focus on the right key performance indicators, you could triple your success. So if you want to contact us, please reach out at catch like catching a ball at 40strategy.com or simply go to our website at 40strategy.com to learn more. And before we talk more about our guest, Terry Sidford. First I always like to say a shout out to somebody in this shout out is a big thank you to Shari Burk. Shari’s the CEO at Vision Platform. And she actually invited me to a global conference that she was speaking at, called the woman in cloud conference hosted by Microsoft. It’s actually at this particular conference, we’re actually got to listen to Terry speak as a keynote speaker. She’s so impressed me I reached out to her. And we’ve had a number of great conversations have traded back and forth a lot of different opportunities. And so for that, I want to thank you, Shari Burk, for for this introduction that you’ve done. So with that, we get to now actually talk about our host, Terry Sidford. Terry is a sought after motivational TEDx speaker, author, television hosts and life coach since 1998. She assisted scores of people and organizations in achieving their dreams, which she believes is her life’s purpose. Terry’s greatest joy has always been to help others unleash their potential and live to the fullest. Terry spent over half her life acquiring the knowledge and experience to help or guide others, and the acquisition of those experiences on the basis of her book 100 hearts inspiring stories from the Woman Who Lived them a collection of stories of female courage in the face of adversity. Terry is also a certified passion test facilitator, accredited Pilates instructor, author of two books, and a popular new new newsletter that showcases her personal experiences insights, as well as a regular contributor to a national wellness magazine called the great health guide. Terry was raised in Southern California and has lived in Utah for more than 30 years. She’s actively outdoors plays tennis, runs, skis. And currently she resides in Park City, with her husband Matthew and her two sons, Alex and Connor. And with that, Terry, welcome to the Measure Success Podcast. Thank you, Carl. I’m so excited to be here today. We have had Terry, we were kind of joking beforehand. It’s like we had this rescheduled three or four times due to a bunch of different conflicts. But we’re finally here. And so so I’m excited about that. So Terry, tell the audience a little bit more about your speaking. I know that’s one of the key things that you do. What do you typically speak about? And why do people seek CQ so much?

Terry Sidford 3:37

Thank you, Carl, I talk about how to use courage in your work in your personal life, to take things to the next level and to go into the unknown, where you can create the dreams that you’ve always wanted that you never even knew was possible. So it’s kind of taking courage to do the things you didn’t think you could do. And I talked to different organizations and businesses, to use courage to be leaders as well. You can be a leader in your whatever role that you are, you have or you are, you know, in your personal life or at work. But courage really is a secret ingredient. So that’s what I like to talk about. And I talk also about some personal experiences and how I found my own courage. So I can talk about stories of how I didn’t know what that word even met. And now that I do, I can share it with everyone I know and inspire them to use courage.

Carl J. Cox 4:33

So you I recently we had the chance you were speaking at the Association for strategic planning where your keynote speaker there and the afterwards the responses were pretty incredible. They were like there was a very touched like, wow, this is really helped me to look inside. Change the way I think based on some story that you had. And one of the most interesting things you said there which is a little bit counterintuitive because you Life is about pushing and challenging and helping others to achieve their dreams. But one of the things you talk about is having the courage to say no. What does that mean?

Terry Sidford  5:10

No, is really setting your own boundaries in life. Because no one can set those boundaries for you, but yourself. Or if you don’t, then live is going to dictate what direction it goes. And if you really want to be really clear, the most important thing is to be really, really clear about what’s most important to you what your values are, in business and in your personal life. And that requires saying no, and it’s not popular A lot of times, and it’s not easy in the beginning. But the more that you say no, the easier it will get. I come from personal experience with this. I used to be the yes person. And then I started realizing that life is kind of taking over on people were taking over my time and time is precious. And so when you’re saying no to something, look at it this way. What are you saying yes to when you say no? When you say no, you’re saying yes to something else? Because it’s a lot of people are very uneasy saying no, they feel like it sounds bad, it looks bad, or, and a lot of times when you’re not used to it, it’s not pretty. It just kind of comes out and and it’s not tactful, so really practice, saying it with grace and being tactful. But being very clear about what you want and what you don’t want.

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