Adi Klevit

Adi Klevit is the CEO (and visionary!) of Business Success Consulting Group, where she helps businesses grow and thrive by dramatically improving their efficiency and performance. With 25 years of knowledge and experience as a trained industrial engineer, management consultant, and business executive, Adi has a unique understanding of the challenges businesses face.

Adi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Tel Aviv University and speaks English, Hebrew, and Spanish.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Adi Klevit shares the key to her success
  • Tips for hiring and onboarding new employees
  • How one company reduced their training time for new employees from six months to one
  • Why creating the right process allowed one company to outsource an entire department and reduce expenses by 66%
  • How speaking multiple languages has informed the way Adi understands businesses
  • Why persistence sometimes involves a willingness to change
  • Blowing the dust off your process documentation and turning it into something dynamic
  • Carl J. Cox and Adi discuss their favorite books, productivity tools, and YouTube videos

In this episode…

Have you ever considered what it would require to take your business to the next level? Business expansion can be a costly and challenging proposition—but did you know that it doesn’t have to be? In fact, with the right tools and processes, you can actually save your company money and improve morale as you grow.

Join Carl J. Cox in this episode of the Measure Success Podcast as he sits down with Adi Klevit, productivity and efficiency expert and the CEO of Business Success Consulting Group. Listen in as Adi shares some useful tips for hiring and onboarding new employees that can inspire a more successful company culture. She also explains how learning multiple languages has influenced her work and why she believes that stubbornness and persistence are not the same.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time—or about 40 hours per year—on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion—and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

So Carl J. Cox here, I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast where I talk with top leaders about effective strategies that inspire success. This episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy at 40 Strategy. We provide strategic planning consulting, to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams. Indeed, basically, we help companies create strategic plans and measure the right KPIs for success. Unfortunately, most organizations only spent about 2% of their time actually on strategy about 40 hours a year, building an effective strategy. And that’s kind of crazy, isn’t it? I mean,

Adi Klevit 0:53

crazy, totally crazy. And yes, I know, you create strategy, and we have plants in common and you are doing a fabulous job. So strategy is definitely needed.

Carl J. Cox 1:04

That’s right. That’s right. And that’s our that’s our passion. And and so that’s why I call organizations calls to help. Not only do we come up with strategy, but we facilitate your dream your teams with proven practices. Harvard research has shown when you use the right key performance indicators, you can actually triple your success. And who wouldn’t want that? Right is actually doing that right. So So email us today,, and you can learn more at as well. So with that, I’d like to start out with a little shout out and Jerry Vieira is I’m going to do a shout out because that’s who introduced me and you. And I had a fact I’m going to turn this is his book is The Consultancy Navigator, which you can now find on Amazon. And it’s a fabulous book and actually got a little bit of credit by actually I edited a tiny bit, I think you were you named this as well Adi. I think you might,

yeah, you might be so. But anyways, pretty exciting. Jerry did. And so I just want to do a shout out for them. So Adi, you’re our guest today. And I want to share a few moments about who you are. You are the leader and visionary of Business Success Consultant Group, you have 25 years of knowledge and experience as a trained industrial engineer, management consultant, and business executive, which gives you a unique understanding of the challenges that businesses face you, your practical know how wisdom success, we help organizations and companies of any size dramatically improve their efficiency and performance. By leveraging your ability to understand business processes as well as people and drawing on your high caliber skills and vital areas of personal management, finance and operations Adi, you can basically help virtually any business owner achieve their goals and bring order to lives. And this is your 10th anniversary. Isn’t that correct? That your many years?

Adi Klevit 2:48

Mm hmm. Yes. So

Carl J. Cox 2:50

So congratulations for meeting that massive threshold, that is not easy accomplishment. And so let’s let’s kind of talk about that. Just to start with, what for you, you know, what, what’s kind of been the biggest thing you’ve learned of being in business for 10 years.

Adi Klevit 3:12

You know, it’s persistence it is, that’s what I learned is you persist, right? I mean, it’s interesting, the first few years, you just have to persist and know what you’ll also be very focused in what you’re doing, I can tell you Carl when we started, it was had a business partner at the time, and it was more like spaghetti against the wall. Okay, whatever sticks, right? It’s kind of like we are very knowledgeable in a lot of things. And we try different things. And then, and then when I actually found the niche, and became very specialized in that particular area, that’s where things start taking off, and then persist on that line. So it’s really identity, I would say, identify what you’re good at, figure out how you can do it. And then persist in getting what you want. And of course, have a strategy because you’re right. I mean, you know, we were talking the beginning in terms of like, businesses don’t have a strategy, you have to have a strategy, otherwise you don’t know where you’re going. So that definitely was very key to my success and staying in business is having a strategy following it in a tactical manner in order to achieve what I need. What I want the goal, basically.

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