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On 5/28/24 Sid Nandi posted:

“Enjoyed reading “Lost At CEO” this past weekend where Carl J. Cox takes us through the journey of an overworked CEO experiencing distractions of daily operations and struggling to steer course towards structured and meaningful business outcomes with the help of an Executive Coach.

An easy-to-read engagement with the whole process unfolding before your eyes with a variety of typical management personalities on the leadership team.

Connecting Vision, Destinations, Journeys, and Actions, driving both leading and lagging indicators (KPIs) incrementally with the right level of flexibility to steer the ship toward goals, keeps readers engrossed.

Recommended read for CxOs struggling to drive strategy towards expected business outcomes!”

Thanks Sid! Have you picked up your copy yet? It’s our 1-year anniversary and the Ebook is available on Amazon for $.99!

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