In the latest episode of $4M Strategies™, we sit down with Kyle Doran, CEO of NetVR, to explore the critical role that company culture plays in driving business success. Kyle brings a wealth of experience from his time at top brands like Nike and shares valuable insights into how leaders can shape and influence the culture within their organizations. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs, executives, and managers who want to build a culture that not only aligns with their business goals but also sets their company apart in a competitive market.

Why Company Culture Matters

Company culture is more than just a buzzword—it’s the foundation upon which successful businesses are built. As Kyle Doran explains, culture can be likened to a “cult,” where employees are deeply connected to the company’s values, mission, and brand. This sense of belonging and alignment is what drives performance, innovation, and loyalty among team members. For Kyle, creating a strong culture starts with the leadership. As a CEO or executive, you set the tone for the entire organization. Your actions, decisions, and even the way you communicate play a crucial role in shaping the company’s culture.

Lessons from Nike: Creating a Cult-Like Following

Kyle draws on his experiences at Nike, a company renowned for its strong and distinct culture. At Nike, employees are not just workers—they are brand ambassadors who live, breathe, and embody the company’s ethos. This “cult-like” following is what makes Nike a powerhouse in the global market. Kyle shares how leaders can take inspiration from Nike’s approach by creating a culture that resonates deeply with their employees. Whether it’s through shared values, a common mission, or a unifying brand identity, building a cohesive culture is key to long-term success.

Handling Culture Misfits

But what happens when someone doesn’t fit into the culture? Kyle addresses this challenging aspect of leadership head-on. He acknowledges that not everyone who joins a company will perfectly align with its culture, and that’s okay. The important thing is to recognize this early on and take appropriate action. Kyle shares a personal story about having to let go of an employee who didn’t fit the culture, and how, in the long run, it was the best decision for both the individual and the company. He emphasizes the importance of not letting “golden handcuffs”—where employees stay in roles they’re not suited for—prevent you from making tough but necessary decisions.

Actionable Tips for Leaders

Kyle provides practical advice for leaders looking to cultivate a strategic culture in their own businesses. He suggests starting with a clear vision of what you want your company culture to be. This includes defining the values, behaviors, and attitudes that you want to see in your team. Once this foundation is set, it’s crucial to communicate it consistently across all levels of the organization. Regularly reinforce the culture through your actions and decisions, and be mindful of how new hires will fit into this environment. Kyle also highlights the importance of seeking external perspectives when needed, as being too insular can lead to a narrow, limited viewpoint.


Building a strong, strategic culture is not an overnight task—it requires ongoing effort, commitment, and leadership. But as Kyle Doran illustrates, the payoff is worth it. A well-defined culture can be a powerful driver of business success, helping you attract top talent, foster innovation, and build a loyal customer base. If you’re ready to take your company culture to the next level, tune in to this episode of $4M Strategies™ and start implementing these insights today.

Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation with Kyle Doran. Listen to the full episode now, and start building a culture that sets your business apart. Subscribe to the $4M Strategies™ podcast for more expert tips and strategies to grow your business.

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