So many problems within a workplace can be traced back to one issue: communication. Leaders who can master this skill are the ones who reach their goals, develop better teams, and steer their organizations towards greater success. 

Our guest this week is one of the top experts in helping leaders become better communicators. Antoni Lacinai is an international keynote speaker and workplace communication expert, at the cross point of conscious leadership, customer focus, and employee engagement. 

Listen in to the full episode for more on the importance of empathy within work environments, the “communicative superpowers” that leaders need to develop in order to effectively lead their teams, why most arguments or confrontation in the workplace can be traced back to misunderstandings, and more advice from Antoni for company leaders.

Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn:

  • The top reasons, according to Antoni, why people don’t get along, especially in the workplace 
  • How to develop more empathy within a work culture, plus the importance of self-awareness
  • More about the 3 communicative superpowers – energy, empathy, and clarity – and which one Antoni thinks is the most important
  • The key to sustainable leadership that actually gets results 
  • Antoni’s top recommendation for a leader or manager who has already identified they can do better in leading their team
  • The power of habits when it comes to leadership and team development
  • How Antoni measures success with his clients
  • Some of the personal habits Antoni has integrated to keep himself performing at a high level professionally and personally 
  • Why Antoni says people should skip New Year’s resolutions — and what they should replace those resolutions with   

Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 

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