Carl J Cox

Did you know that only about one-third of businesses will survive a decade or longer?

The good news: there are a few tactics any entrepreneur can use to grow their company, take their revenue to the next level, and ensure their business survives.

The bad news? Fear—and analysis paralysis—holds many company leaders back from doing so. In this episode, 40 Strategy founder and CEO Carl J. Cox outlines the three ways that entrepreneurs can move past that fear and scale their company, no matter the outside circumstances.

Tune in for more on those three strategies, the power of elimination when setting goals, how to plan and execute strategic “sprints,” and the specific ROI you should be aiming for when you begin a new strategic initiative.

Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn: 

  • The percentage of businesses that fail in the first year, first 5 years, and first 10 years of existence
  • The 3 ways an entrepreneur can shift past fear and take their business to the next level
  • Why focusing on fewer ideas — not more — actually creates more momentum
  • The power of a 10-week strategic plan, and why this timeline works so well for business owners looking to grow and scale
  • The component that could be the most important to include in a strategic plan (which most entrepreneurs and business owners miss)
  • A crucial leadership lesson from the book “Good to Great”, and how it can help you hold your team accountable when it comes to executing your strategic plan
  • The ROI numbers you should be shooting for when thinking about key strategies
  • Why “starting” (and planning) is the most important part of the CAPTAIN strategy
  • How to increase your “luck” as a successful business

Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 


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