How often do you operate at the intersection of urgency and happiness to pursue what you want most out of life? And how much are you missing out on when you push yet another goal to “tomorrow”? Figuring out how to take advantage of now, live life to the fullest, and use your time wisely: these are all strategies that our latest guest has written and spoken about. And now he’s bringing them to the podcast.


Scott White, The Life is Too Short Guy, is the happiest guy you will ever meet. After spending over a decade in investment banking on Wall Street, he took a chance and became an entrepreneur and business builder. Today, he is Chairman and CEO of a public real estate company. Now he’s on a mission to make the world happier, one smile at a time. 


Tune into the full conversation for more on some of the core principles of Scott’s book, why what you think in the morning is so important, how to avoid the most common regret that people on their deathbed have, and a lot more.


Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn: 


  • Why Scott says careers are similar to marathons, plus some of the “twists and turns” that Scott has had, from law school to investment banking to being the CEO of a real estate company, to what he’s doing now
  • The two roles involved when it comes to running a publicly traded company
  • More about the Life is Too Short Guy, and what story that persona helps Scott tell to the world
  • What happens at the intersection of urgency and happiness
  • The key principle behind Scott’s book, and why it doesn’t include telling people how to spend their time (plus the important paradigm shift that he *does* teach around how to spend time)
  • The mental image that Scott gives people to help them understand how much time they have remaining in their life
  • The biggest regret that people on their deathbed have 
  • Why Scott thinks the word “purpose” is overused — and how he helps people find their “passion” instead
  • The simple mindset shift that Scott helps people implement to rethink how they wake up in the morning — and the impact that has on their overall attitude in life
  • The power of recognizing how far you’ve come, instead of continually moving the goalposts and never reaching perfection or happiness


Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 

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