Judy WeberJudy Weber is a Business Consultant and Scaling Expert for 6-Figure Female Professionals and the Founder, CEO, and General Counsel of the Judy Weber Company. She is a keynote speaker teaching faith-fueled women how to scale their businesses. She is a former corporate and trial attorney and has a passion for working with high-achieving women of faith to help them reach their professional goals.

She earned her BS in Music Education at Susquehanna University before attending Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. Judy is also the host of the Joyful Scaling podcast.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Judy Weber explains how she digs deep to help women discover and achieve success
  • How do you find courage and value in yourself?
  • Judy shares how she pursued the impossible to reach her goals
  • What are some best practice strategies for building great brands?
  • How Judy established a sophisticated and value-driven business
  • What are the metrics Judy uses to measure her success?
  • Why the story of Esther inspires Judy to have courage

In this episode…

Are you a female entrepreneur struggling to find value in yourself and your brand? How do you awaken your vision to achieve your goals?

According to Judy Weber, many women lose focus, but she has proven strategies to build and target scaling and growth. She helps women find value and bring worth to their business to increase profitability and generate leads. So, what steps can you take to take action and reach your professional goals?

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Judy Weber, Founder of the Judy Weber Company, about the importance of having the courage to build an enduring enterprise. Judy discusses the importance of establishing relationships based on faith and trust, how her faith is rooted in her success, and key strategies to sustainably scale and grow. Stay tuned!

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at catch@40strategy.com.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

Carl J. Cox here I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast, where I talk with top leaders about effective strategies that inspire success. This episode is brought to you by Opportunity International. Opportunity International is a global nonprofit working to end extreme poverty. by empowering people with an opportunity they provide small loans and training so individuals can grow their businesses, send their kids to school, and work their way out of poverty once and for all. So go to opportunity to or to create an opportunity for someone to change their life forever. This is one of the multiple charities that we sponsor here at 40 Strategy and I encourage you they do a wonderful things and do micro loans across the world, and to encourage you to take a look at that to learn more. Before we talk about our guests. Judy Weber. We’d like to do a shout out to Jessica Yarbrough. Jessica is she develops personal business growth strategies made simple for consultants, coaches and small businesses so they can make a greater difference. You can learn more Jessica Yarborough calm and thank you, Jessica for introducing us to Judy wherever. Judy is a women’s business strategist and scaling expert and founder of Judy Weber company, a boutique consultancy for women in business. She helps faith fueled six figure female CEOs scale their business to multi six and seven figures with joy and simplicity. Using the pro the proven joyful scaling meth. A former corporate and trial attorney as well as a C suite executive Judy is a genius at showing entrepreneurs how to uplevel their mindset set billionaire their CEO role and strategically transform their current businesses in a freedom based legacy business without control missing can promising their values. She is a sought after keynote speaker teaching inspiring women across the world to pursue the impossible knowing that God is able to make your biggest dreams a reality. She also has her education and a Bachelor’s in music. Okay, we’ll see if we get this right saysky Hannah gets really good. Yeah, really? Okay, so I’ll say the right way. Again. saska hana. Okay, let’s see, I knew I was gonna be close, but not close enough. And she also has her JD from Villanova, your university, the Charles with your school of law. And, Judy, it is a pleasure to have you on the Measure Success Podcast

Judy Weber  2:43

today. Well, I’m so excited to be here. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.

Carl J. Cox 2:48

So Judy, for our audience, please tell people more about your business what you do.

Judy Weber  2:54

Sure, well, you know, my business is pretty unique in that I don’t call myself a coaching business, even though many people look at me as a coach. But because of my background, I’m a high high level thinker as an attorney and you know in the C suite so I like to do things at a different level and I was never one to stick with convention I always want it to be different and do different. So I just love working with other high achieving women of faith who love Jesus, who are looking to take their business to incredible levels with huge impact. And so the big big thing and that’s why I really relate to you Carl is strategy strategy strategy strategy. And here’s my thing on that when you have strategy in your business okay, that’s an exciting roadmap to your dream so it’s like where are you want to go What do you want to achieve and it takes the guesswork out it eliminates the doing all the things and the running on a hamster wheel that too many women are doing and all that leaves you with joy so joyful scaling i

Carl J. Cox 4:01

love it i love it and and so and I love how you’re focused on you know you know if you may you have a wonderful niche you know you’re very focused and women your focus on faith based you know people who that that is important to them, and then the way how they draw business so I gotta imagine as a result of that you have you kind of eliminate the barriers and a couple things that you’re you’re resonating with people right up front with some of your clients that fair to say.

Judy Weber 4:30

Absolutely. And if I could just say that is one thing that I encourage my clients to do, and that is not necessarily niche down like that’s just so overused, but the point is, your brand has to stand out. You know, we always hear about brand awareness. And I was just telling my clients this morning in our group session I said, You know what, ladies, before you’re worried about the getting out there and being visible, you got to make sure your brand is worthy of being discovered or further explored by your ideal So I’m all about like, dig down deep ladies, no time for, you know, holding back and saying, Oh, I don’t want to be braggy. It’s what makes you unique. What is your experience, your education, your just unique zona genius that God gave you. And, you know, put it out there in the world without apology.

Carl J. Cox 5:20

So that’s a fascinating topic right there. Just Just that alone, you said, because there’s this belief for or sensation often, right with that we should be. There’s that being humble, right? And not bragging about we have and being grateful that, you know, we, if you may, we weren’t worthy of what we’ve earned, weren’t worthy what we had, but now, you know, we have this gift. How do you get people from feeling getting over that sense of, I have to be quiet, I shouldn’t be talking about what’s taking place, to having the discernment that it is appropriate to communicate about the value that we bring.

Judy Weber  6:03

I can’t tell you how much I love that question. Okay, so here’s the thing, a lot of Christian women, and I’m just gonna say women, because I work exclusively with women, a lot of Christian women were raised in the church as I was, and it was kind of like, okay, be quiet. Women’s place is, you know, quiet, or you have to be humble, and you don’t want to be arrogant. And I agree, I never want to be arrogant. But here’s the thing, if God uniquely gifted you, with, in my case, ambition, and a big mouth, let’s be honest, I love to be the center of attention. I was the youngest of six, and I just loved being on stage or whatever. But if God gave you all these different, unique personality quirks, and gifts and talents, it’s for a purpose. And it is to serve others. And so when we kind of put our lamp under a bushel so to speak, then it’s not only a disservice to us, and not fulfilling our life’s purpose, but we’re really doing a negative service to those that God would have had us to help. So that’s how I, you know, kind of reframe that idea. Look, we don’t want to be arrogant. And we always want to be thankful. But where God gives much, much is to be expected. You know, my mommy said, I say that, right? Where much is given much as expected. And so if he has blessed you, with certain experiences, and education and all this, then who are we to not share that with the rest of the world?

Carl J. Cox 7:37

Yeah, and I love that example. You talk about the light, right? You know, if nobody can hear you, the light is never to be shine, you cannot express the great, whatever gifts you have, you cannot share it with the rest of the world. And I know for some things I’m doing, it’s still uncomfortable, like, Oh, you’re so comfortable with doing these things. I’m not, you know, there’s a lot of these things, that there is a discomfort that I have behind it. But for me, it’s more important to share the good news of how people can accomplish goals that they wouldn’t have been able to do beforehand. So if that little part of my own uncomfortableness can help somebody else to get to their goals, you know, I’ve succeeded. And it’s worth, you know, putting putting ourselves out there to do something new and unique. And so that’s I think the mentality change we have to have is if we aren’t sharing and doing and providing that courage, right? Some somebody else will have that courage. Well, and of course, we look, you know, once again, we’ll go the historical Bible, right? Every single person out there other than Jesus was a complete mess.

[continue to next page]

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