Anthony TaylorAnthony Taylor is an author, strategic planner, and Managing Partner and Chief Strategist at SME Strategy Consulting, a strategy consulting firm for small to mid-sized ventures. He has over 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship and is the author of several books, including Alignment: How To Get Your People, Strategy, and Culture on the Same Page, where he shares a practical approach to executing strategic plans with your team.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Capilano University and is certified in project management from the Project Management Institute. Anthony was chosen in 2016 as a Global Entrepreneurship Week Ambassador for Canada.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Anthony Taylor talks about how SME Strategy Consulting is helping mission-based organizations give to communities
  • How to create an efficient and innovative strategy session for digital meetings
  • The importance of focusing on capacity for building and implementing long-term strategies
  • Anthony provides a detailed example of a successful strategic plan
  • Anthony’s unique and transformative implementations for greater returns
  • Anthony offers his recommendations—and encouragement—for emerging leaders: listen, ask, and align your heart with where you want to go
  • How does Anthony measure his success?

In this episode…

Is it possible to connect with clients through a digital meeting? How do you align yourself to achieve your professional goals?

According to Anthony Taylor, Managing Partner and Chief Strategist at SME Strategy Consulting, digital engagement can be a more effective tool for engaging in conversations about strategies and planning. A three-hour meeting can be a great brainstorming session for producing business strategies by implementing interactive and meaningful messages. Anthony has proven techniques that cut down on distractions and engage clients in aligning their goals.

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Anthony Taylor, Managing Partner and Chief Strategist at SME Strategy Consulting, about creating explicit, concise, and engaging content for digital strategy meetings. Anthony explains how to examine your company’s long-term strategy, strategies for adapting to a digitally-driven world, and his recommendations for young leaders in the corporate world.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

Carl J. Cox here. I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast where we talk with top leaders about how they inspire success. This episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy at 40 Strategy we help organizations and companies realize and achieve their dreams, how we do that as we help them figure out their strategic plan, and then help them not only figure out what it should be, but actually help them execute it so they can actually attain success. Anthony, with the crazy part, and you and I have talked about strategy or strategy nerds, if you’re a strategy geeks, we love this stuff. You know, only 10% of organizations actually accomplish two thirds of their strategic objectives. And I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty bananas. That that’s all it is. Oh, yeah,

Anthony Taylor  1:04

they got they’ve got some work to do. It’s why we’re in business. But

Carl J. Cox 1:08

it’s so it’s, so if we just showed you your success is our passion. That’s why organizations call enough people like Anthony and myself for help not only to come with strategy, but proven practices to make it work. Harvard Business Review says if you actually focus in the right key performance indicators, you can triple your success. So you’d like to learn more, right? Send us an email to catch like catching a ball at 40 And we’d love to have more conversation with you. Also like to encourage you right now we are talking about the Marathon Challenge Anthony You’ll learn more about this, but on October 24. We are scheduled to run my first marathon challenge Jon Foster with and we’ll see if it happens. But anyways, we’re gonna move on and talk a little bit more about first our shout out someone who a common person I met Anthony while I was at Cascade show matter of fact I how I heard about Anthony was one of the employees are there said, hey, you’ve got to listen to this guy named Anthony Taylor. He’s on this podcast. I think he’s the best. And that’s actually I think how we connected. You ended up speaking at one of our presentations that we did in Portland, we had our first global conference for Cascade Strategy. And then we did a lot of presentations together. We were last together in Wisconsin before all this COVID Craziness hit. And that was a crazy time walking into the coldest walks ever, ever had my entire life in Madison, Wisconsin. And thank you, Anthony for giving me the courage to walk in the cold. Thank you Canadians. And and so So Anthony Taylor is the managing partner and chief strategist for SME Strategy consulting based in Vancouver, Canada. Anthony is author and an author, including two books called Alignment and how to get your people strategy and culture on the same page. And then, I wish I knew entrepreneur lessons, I learned the hard way so you don’t have to. He is an engaging professional speaker for over a decade to audiences throughout the world. He’s also the host of the strategy and leadership podcast, where he interviews CEOs, business leaders, authors, thought leaders to get their perspectives on strategy, business, Leadership, Culture and people to advance in your career and your life. He has a BA in Business Administration with marketing concentration, you have credentials, a lot of credentials, Anthony, young leaders of the Americas entrepreneurial leadership curriculum, balanced scorecard and key performance indicators and competitive strategies to name a few. And you also volunteer support for the Association for strategic planning, which I’m also a member of Thank you very much, Anthony, for your time and support you do with that we met together as mentioned beforehand, when I was working with cascade and in thank you so much for all your done Anthony, I miss you, buddy. We have had a lot of fun on our times we had together who knew that beer we had in Madison, Wisconsin would be our last beer we’d have together for two years. Hopefully we’ll get together to have one again here in the near term. But Anthony, welcome to the measure success podcast.

Anthony Taylor 4:05

Thanks so much, Carl, it’s been way too long. I’m such a big fan of your work. I’m a big fan of you, personally, I if I had the chance, I would drive straight down to Oregon. But as you know, the borders are still a little bit trickily close. But I’m so grateful to be here grateful to catch up with you and just like really happy to be in your presence. So thanks for having me.

Carl J. Cox 4:25

Thank you, thank you for the kind words. So for those in the audience always like to you know, just start out with is so what do you do Anthony? What what is SME strategic consulting?

Anthony Taylor 4:34

So at SME Strategy, you know, we facilitate strategic planning. SME stands for small to medium enterprise. And I started my business for for a couple reasons. One of them was I was running a not for profit organization. And I found it was really it was like herding cats as the expression is to get everybody on the same page and I said, Well, what the hell like what do I need to do here? And I found strategic planning and I implemented this you know, strategic plan. process. And I found that with all of these very well intentioned people, they were all moving in different directions. So I wanted to help them be able to be more effective and accomplish what they wanted to accomplish. The other thing was, I got ripped off by a business partner for about 100 grand. And I wanted to help entrepreneurs and businesses avoid the risks that I made. And so that’s why I help entrepreneurs not for profits really get to where they want to go in the most effective way possible, and avoiding as much risk as possible.

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