Tommy BreedloveTommy Breedlove is a keynote speaker, business coach, and the Founder of Choose Goodness. After beginning his 20-year corporate career at Deloitte, he became a shareholder for Massive Technologies and has sat on the board of directors for some of the largest public accounting firms in the Southeastern United States. Tommy is now a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author, penning the title, Legendary: A Simple Playbook for Building and Living a Legendary Life, and Being Remembered as a Legend.

He graduated from the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting. Tommy enjoys hiking, traveling the world, and spending time with his wife and two dogs.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Tommy Breedlove discusses the importance of connecting people with the inner value of their business
  • How a lack of purpose and fear is curbing your potential to succeed
  • Tommy talks about his North Star: transforming and building better lives
  • Do not be the victim of your own story — be true to yourself
  • The importance of creating a strategy and taking action
  • How do you become a better leader for yourself?
  • Tommy shares how he builds habits for success
  • Tommy shares his empowering book recommendations

In this episode…

What should you be doing to become a better leader? How do you infuse true authenticity into yourself and your brand to create success?

Many of us fail before we even start due to a lack of purpose and fear. According to Tommy Breedlove, a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author and business coach, everyone has a unique sense of purpose — you just have to find your authenticity. Tommy teaches that success is more than just money. Instead, success can look like more time, freedom of choice, creative space, and more. But, in order to have success, you need to invest and trust in yourself to see a return.

In this episode of the Measure Success Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Tommy Breedlove, keynote speaker, business coach, and Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author, about connecting people with the value of their business. Tommy explains how to reach success more deeply by remaining true to your inner self, the paradigm shift to leading yourself, and why you will never progress if you do not take action.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by 40 Strategy.

40 Strategy provides strategic planning and consulting to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams by creating and measuring KPIs for success.

Unfortunately, most organizations only spend 2% of their time — or about 40 hours per year — on building an effective strategy.

Increasing the success of those 40 hours is what 40 Strategy does because your success is their passion — and that’s why organizations look to them for guidance.

Not only does 40 Strategy help you craft and implement an effective strategy, but they’ll also work to facilitate teams with proven practices and help with your scenario planning.

Harvard research shows that you can triple your success when you use the right Key Performance Indicators. Who doesn’t want that?

If you have questions, you can reach out through their website or email them at

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Measure Success Podcast where we feature top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. Now, let’s learn from their experiences.

Carl J. Cox 0:18

Carl J. Cox here I’m the host of the Measure Success Podcast where I talk with top leaders about effective strategies that inspire success. It’s episode is brought to you by 40 Strategy at 40 Strategy provides strategic planning consulting, to help organizations realize and achieve their dreams. Tommy, basically what we do is we help companies come up with these strategic plans and measure the right KPIs for success. We talked about this beforehand, only 10% of organizations actually get two thirds of their strategic objectives done I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty crazy that it’s that bad.

Tommy Breedlove 0:51

Sad, actually, very sad thing guys, guys, like how you and whole bunch of others exists, but it sounds like you’re rocking and rolling. Brother, thank you for being you.

Carl J. Cox 1:00

Well, it is a lot of opportunity. Let’s just say that. And so, you know, at 40 strategy, you’re passionate about success. That’s why organizations call us to help, please reach out at so people realize if you actually focus on the right, key performance indicators. Harvard Business Review says you can triple your success. So you can contact as a catch like catch a ball at or you can actually check out our website at So with that, we’re going to have our quick little shout out. This is kind of a fun one. Linda Rainey. Yes, this to you. You are the you know, when I first started this podcast, I didn’t know if anybody would listen to it. Now there’s been 1000s of downloads, which is pretty darn exciting. And when we had actually didn’t have one week of an episode, you reach down text my wife I said, Where is Carl’s is anything going wrong? And I want to listen to us as Linda, thank you so much for being a loyal listener. If you were the only one. Thank you. We are here for you. And Linda is also a successful entrepreneur. Lovely married, lovely person married to Matt and actually is one of the most energetic people that I’ve ever met. So thank you for being a loyal fan of the measure says podcast You are the best. And then from that we have Tommy, Tommy, we’ll talk about how we connected here in a moment. But Tommy Breedlove is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best seller in Atlanta based business relationship and mindset coach who is regularly featured and speaker at global events. He started his 20 year corporate career at one of the largest consulting for firms in the world, and eventually became a shareholder international practice leader and member of the board of directors for the largest public accounting and finance firms in the southeastern United States. At that time of his career, Tommy experienced a trends transformational moment, inspired him to walk away from the corporate world which was must been pretty freaking scary, change his life and follow his true calling. Tommy now serves clients and audiences empowering by empowering them to live legendary lives. As this book has listed we’ll talk quite a bit about that called legendary. It serves clients and audiences empowering them to build and live legendary lives he guides people to discover a life of significance while building a lasting legacy. The simple tools he shares shows how to work in their zone of brilliance, obtain financial confidence, live with meaning and balance. And the goal is to help everybody become the person they’ve always wanted to be which is huge, absolutely huge. When you’re not speaking serve your clients you enjoy traveling the world hiking, spending time quality time with your wife and two dogs. And I recall the first time we talked I think you were you’re getting a dog also now and about our first conversation. And Tommy It is a pleasure to have you on the Measure Success Podcast,

Tommy Breedlove 3:43

Carl I am humbled and honored my brother to be here we’ve had an unbelievable 15 or 20 minutes all fair so it’s gonna be an amazing whatever time we spend together man, I’m excited to be here

Carl J. Cox 3:54

as right we he was kind enough to extend our time because I was like, Oh crap, we already missed our time that we’re gonna have to be able to record this. Thank you, Tommy for sparing a few extra moments of your life. So we can do this. Everyone hang on your seats. This is not going to be your ordinary podcast. I have a Oh, I know. I just know. That’s how it’s gonna go. So tell me what the heck do you do? How, you know how are you changing people’s lives? What’s going on?

Tommy Breedlove 4:18

Yeah, brother, this fell in my lap. So I’m just so grateful and humbled to be able to do this for a living and walking away from a big corporate career to do it, man. So essentially, I run one on one coaching retreats, conferences and group programs to help men and women build legendary lives. Our primary goal is to get people into a retreat where they can build trust, they can build connections, they can have authentic conversations about what they need in their business, what they need in their money, what they needed in our life and the relationships. So that together we can lean in and be a little bit better than when we started and constantly sharpening that pencil to live a life of significance purpose to be the masters of our Time, so that we can wake up each and every day excited. And when our preciously short time on this our stops that we leave it with as little regrets and should have would have could have as possible brothers. So that’s what we do, man.

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