Climbing the proverbial “mountain” and overcoming hurdles are metaphors that business owners have heard dozens of times before. But this week we’re chatting with a *real* mountain climber. 

Renata Chlumska is an adventurer and mountain climber and was the first Swedish and Czech woman to climb Mount Everest. She’s also performed the Around American Adventure and most recently has been voted the 2023 Speaker of the Year.

Listen to the full conversation for more about Renata’s mountaineering expeditions (from Mount Everest to all the other Seven Summits), what she learned from a 14-month journey around the lower 48 states, how she fits consistency into her hectic life, and more.


Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn: 

  • What inspired Renata to climb Mount Everest after becoming a Base Camp manager there many years ago
  • How long it took Renata to train for her Everest expedition, plus some of the biggest obstacles she overcame in her training
  • More about the “brutal awakening” Renata experienced during one specific season as a Base Camp manager
  • More about the extremely difficult decision that Everest climbers often face of whether to turn around or keep going, when conditions are disintegrating 
  • Details on Renata’s 14-month-long “Around America Adventure”
  • Why naivete can sometimes actually be a strength 
  • Why Renata’s journey around the lower 48 states “restored her faith in humanity” 
  • Why Renata never wanted her children to be an “excuse” for her to say no to experiences, and why she didn’t tell many people about her Seven Summits goal
  • More about the highest summits on each continent 
  • How Renata integrated consistency into her life, despite running a business, having kids, mountaineering, and everything going on in her life
  • Why Renata wakes up at 3:15 in the morning every day — and why that time to herself clears her head and recalibrates her for each new day
  • How Renata has transformed her experiences into lessons that she teaches other people through speaking and her business


Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 

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