As a CEO, the buck stops with you!
But what that often turns into is:
Overwork and burnout:
You take on everything yourself, and there are never enough hours in the day.
Analysis paralysis:
Faced with not only all the work, but also all the strategic decisions. You are constantly afraid to make the wrong choice — so you don’t make any choice.
Stalled growth:
When you can’t get yourself out of the weeds of daily execution, no one is guiding the ship. Therefore, your company stops reaching its goals.
It’s lonely at the top. You don’t have a circle of support to bounce ideas off of, ask questions, or just vent about the endless challenges you face as a CEO.
It can be easy to work just a couple more hours. To spend just one more weekend at the office. To skip just one more vacation with the family because your organization needs you.
Like I said, I’ve been there.
Whatever you want more of in life — beyond just your organization’s profitability — I promise it’s possible.
At 40 Strategy, I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about world-class strategic plans. I am using the same principles to help small to mid-sized business owners. To get out of the weeds, scale their organization, and get back to what’s most important to them.

Although I’ve worked with some of the largest organizations in the world…
The majority of my experience has been in helping organizations like yours: Businesses from startup to $100M.
I’ve been an executive at:
For a company to truly scale, it needs to change its habits. The strategies I’ve designed over the past 3+ decades, are like the strategies we craft here at 40 Strategy. They help pave the way for that transformation!
To scale to $40M and beyond, you need to level up your:
That three-pronged approach has served as my foundation for growing organizations over the past 3 decades.
And it’s the foundation for what we do here at 40 Strategy to:
If you have already had great success in your career…
But it’s time to add a better long-term strategy to that combo.
As a business owner who’s already had great success in your career…
You just need the strategy — and support — to scale with intention.
That’s what I’m here to offer, along with the whole team at 40 Strategy.
We can’t wait to work with you.
40 Strategy…
What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?
40 Strategy 2030 Vision…
Our 10-year vision is to positively impact…
We also give the first 10% of our revenues to charity.
Our goal is to exceed $1 million in donations.
And we are on track to reach and exceed our vision…let’s go!
Our donation partners
We provide donations to multiple charities.
Learn more about two of our key partners listed here: